The Wind Is Wild
Weekly Reading Topic for July 20, 2019: The Wind Is Wild
Well, good morning, love!
I just opened a Reading for you, my newsletter subscribers and here’s what I heard in answer to the following:
What do my readers most need to hear this weekend? What is the most important message to send to my beloved readers?
The answer was: “The Wind Is Wild.”
This one has me thinking. What follows is your Weekly Reading.
Weekly Reading │ The Wind Is Wild
Q: What do you mean, “the wind is wild?”
A: Oh, boy, are we in it now. The Wind Is Wild refers to a spectacularly bumpy time we’re having right now, in our personal lives and in our social lives (political lives, too).
There’s this weird thing that happens in the skies above our heads. At any given time, there are MULTIPLE currents of wind, just like there are multiple currents in the ocean. Some currents run steadily and predictably, like the Tradewinds here in Hawaii, or the Gulf Stream in the Atlantic Ocean. They shift, yes, but not too much. They rarely move far out of their predictable course, based on the season. But they can slow down, and speed up, depending upon what else may be going on.
Well, it seems like this time is a little different. The Winds in the sky and the Streams in the oceans are encountering new forces, unpredictable forces, and that is causing them to shift course, slow down, and then speed up, and even in some weird instances, change directions.
So, in Hawaii, when the Trades are blowing (which they do most days) they come from the North/Northeast, and blow toward the South/Southwest. Sometimes, however, the winds come from the South/Southeast, instead, which brings warm air from down the globe, rather than cold air from up the globe. This profoundly affects our weather. It doesn’t happen often — maybe a few times a year — but it happens.
Now, it’s like the winds aren’t coming from the North/South/East. They’re coming from the West. And the West represents a very different source of Wind. It’s a less easy way for us. We don’t quite know how to handle it. And it affects the ocean currents, too.
Fishermen can’t find reliable catches in their reliable spots. The sea creatures don’t understand why it’s harder to keep their routines. And the birds truly get confused.
So, here’s the thing: when the Wind Is Wild you might assume we mean it’s violent and stormy. That’s not exactly right. Sometimes it is, yes. But sometimes, the Wind is just so different that you feel the violence of change, even if the actual wind is quite slow, pleasant, more like a breeze.
So, Wild doesn’t mean “dark and stormy” in this context.
It means Not Domesticated.
It means True to Itself Not to Norms.
So, all of this is to point us toward a new method of orienting ourselves.
If we rely on the environment, the Winds and the Currents, we will lose ourselves. We cannot navigate that way anymore.
We cannot rely, in a very real way, on the Trades to blow from the North, or the Gulf Stream to move up the coast and then out across the Atlantic to the UK.
All great patterns, all great movements, are being dissolved and shifted and mucked up. Even the compass itself is affected. “North” no longer points to where it did a few decades ago! (This appears to be a fact rather than a metaphor, although I’m not going to stop to search for it at this moment.)
This is happening in our earth, in our political institutions, and in our business institutions. This is happening in our families and our very own selves.
I don’t know about you, but I had a really weird June personally. I went through a lot of unexpected, seemingly traumatic events. And I came out clearer, calmer, and stronger than I have ever been in my life. What I think this message is pointing us toward this weekend is this:
The Wind Is Wild, so do not think it is Tame. You must be the domesticating force in your life because the institutions you have counted on are no longer sustaining. Take care of yourself.
The Wind Is Wild, so do not think it is Predictable. You must be there for yourself and for your loved ones and for everyone else in a reliable way, now, because you cannot count on the world to act the way it always has. There is little room for indulging in temper tantrums.
The Wind Is Wild, so do not expect it to serve the same function it once did. There’s a saying: “don’t go to the butcher for milk,” which means you shouldn’t expect someone to be able to give you something they don’t have to give.
These days, though, the butcher might not even have meat. The butcher might smile when you walk in the door and say “Wow, I’m really excited to show you these macrame legs of lamb. Aren’t they cool?” And you’ll smile and nod at his weird web of boho dreamcatcher wall hangings in the shapes of cuts of meat and think he’s lost his mind. And you’ll be right.
We can’t go to the butcher for meat anymore, either.
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I’m not saying that everyone will fail us, and all is lost.
I’m saying that we can’t EXPECT everyone to be there, to be themselves, now. The Wind Is Wild, and Wild Things Do Not Care To Follow Rules.
So … how do we navigate now, with wild winds?
Well, the stars are still there. And so are we.
And so once again, the message is this: stay inside yourself, feel your every feeling, don’t take it too seriously, and let your instincts and your heart inform you as to how to act.
If we are in a video game, as so many in Silicon Valley believe, we are leveling up. And it’s always possible that the stars in this game are “not real” but I think they are.
When you look up at the night sky, you will see the places all over the galaxy that have been there for millennia, unchanging from our point of view, bearing witness to all the changes on this planet.
And there have been many changes. This is not the first time the Winds have Turned Wild, and it won’t be the last.
Those of us who stay centered and pay attention to our internal navigation, and use the stars as our guide, not the immediate cues from the world around us … we will not get lost. In fact, we will be able to form a new world, based on what we see revealed as institutions crumble.
If we lose everything, if the Winds blow everything to pieces, we still have ourselves, and the stars. And that is enough. More than enough.
So stay calm and centered. And if you can’t, acknowledge that and give yourself what you need to heal. Now is not the time to say “I’m too busy to rest” or “I don’t have time to say hello.”
Call your loved ones. Write your novel. Run the race. Float in the pool. Hike the hill. Take the walk, and talk to the butterfly that keeps floating by.
Because when the Wind Is Wild, the good thing that happens is this: we see how everything is now up for new patterning, refocusing, redemption.
We are actively being redeemed right now. This is what it looks like. This is what it feels like.
Keep breathing, and be well. Redemption is nigh!
I am always here to serve in any way I can.
Much Love to You,
PS: I got curious after I channeled this and set up this newsletter. I searched to see whether the North has shifted for the compass, and yes, it has. It has always wandered, but very slowly. However, since the turn of the century, its shifting has accelerated. Now it’s moving so fast that it is actually messing up our navigation systems! So we literally can no longer rely on the magnetic field of the earth to guide us. Here’s a good article to explain:
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