Tunnel Through It
Weekly Reading Topic for July 13, 2019: Tunnel Through It
Well, good morning, love!
I just opened a Reading for you, my newsletter subscribers and here’s what I heard in answer to the following:
What do my readers most need to hear this weekend? What is the most important message to send to my beloved readers?
The answer was: “tunnel through it.”
What a strange set of images I received! I hope I made sense of them for you … what follows is your Weekly Reading.
Weekly Reading │ Tunnel Through It
Q: What do you mean, “tunnel through it?”
A: So often we think we are headed in a known direction. We are looking at a map in our head, and it seems clear, which way we are going, and how we are going to get there. We see how the paths connect, where the bridges are, and we have an idea of how long something is going to take.
But sometimes we wake up in the middle of our journey and realize that we are being led astray. That our maps are wrong, or old, or from the Time Before GPS. And we aren’t nearly as close as we thought we were. Or we have been headed down an old highway, the local roads that have potholes and sinkholes and have long since been closed. The superhighway is right over there … we can see it … but we can’t get there from our broken down path.
We are stuck in a ghost town in the middle of nowhere, with only the sky for company.
That’s when we need to start tunneling through it. But not through the ground, that dense, murky, rocky place laced with boulders and old sewage systems and who knows what else. That way lies danger.
No, we should tunnel through it using our hearts, with that great companion of ours, the sky, as our guide. Let’s take a look at this in more detail.
First, this is not the cliche it might initially appear to be. We’re not saying “follow your heart, and all will be well.” There are plenty of people who have followed their hearts right into the same kind of damaged relationships they grew up in. There are others who followed their hearts and found themselves in work they hate, at the end of a long life, resenting every decision they ever made.
That’s because the “heart” they were following was not really THEIR heart. It was someone else’s, and they just never bothered to check if it really belonged to them or not before following its dictates.
No, when we say that we need to tunnel through it using our hearts, and the sky, what we mean is this:
Feel the connection to the great beyond. Feel the Truth in your own body that resonates with what you feel in the greatness of the world. When the two match, follow THAT.
The “sky” might literally be the night sky, or it might be the way the wind blows. The contemplation of roots reaching for water deep in the earth. The sprinkling of dew that happens every morning, and the way the flowers open up to sip it. It might be the way her hand feels in yours, or the way it feels when your child comes to you with sleep in their eyes.
Whatever it is on the outside of your body that inspires awe, that makes you feel like you are in the presence of something GREATER than you and your problems, that’s your “sky” in this metaphor.
And your “heart” is the feeling you get when your body is working well, when you are in alignment, when you can feel happiness. Elizabeth Gilbert was taught to meditate in Bali, and the instructions were to smile with her whole body, that even her liver should smile.
That feeling, of wellbeing and contentment? That’s your “heart.”
The heart, the physical heart, has a brain of its own, you know.
There are over 40,000 neuronal connections in the “heart brain,” and it also produces neurotransmitters and it’s OWN hormones … just like your brain does.
But unlike your brain, your heart brain also generates an electromagnetic field that is way bigger than any other part of your body. Your brain’s field can’t be detected more than a foot or two away from your body, but your heart’s field can be detected much farther away, even fifteen feet away.
You know this is true: you have felt it. When someone who is really using their heart brain well enters a room, others tend to turn toward them. That’s because their magnetic field is so attractive and coherent that we all turn to it, just like flowers toward the sun.
So when we say that your heart should be the tool you use to tunnel, we mean that your decisions should come from your heart-brain, not from your brain-brain.
Here’s a way to see how this works. Pick two chairs of places to sit, and decide one is your “brain” seat and one is your “heart-brain” seat. Then take an issue that is up for you, something weighing on you, and sit in your brain seat.
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Ask your brain what it has to say or advise about the situation, and make notes. (It might help to put your hand on your forehead.)
Write down whatever comes, no matter how trivial or silly or trite it might sound.
Then go to your heart-brain seat and ask your heart-brain the same questions. (It might help to put your hand on your heart.)
What does it advise? What insight does it have for you? Write down what you think you hear.
Then compare the advice and insights. Which one makes more sense to you? Which just feels better? Which one seems wiser, or sounder? Which one is elegant, or requires less effort?
The heart often gives us answers that are more kind, loving, and gently wise than the brain does.
So, when we feel lost in the world, particularly when we really THOUGHT we knew where we were headed, and how we were going to get there, it’s best to “tunnel through” by asking the heart-brain to wake up and consult with the Something Greater about how to get over to that big, easy, fast highway.
I think the reason they are calling this a “tunnel” is because the image is that of almost a time warp, or a black hole — have you ever seen pictures of these? They almost look like funnels, the way time bends and rushes together through a narrow space (tunnel) and then pops out on the other “end” as a different time/space.
When we are centered in our heart, when even our liver is smiling and we are generating that massive electromagnetic field (which is shaped the same way a black hole is by the way) and asking that Something Greater to inform our lives, our questions, our path, we get answers that are seamless, elegant, and often, very very exciting.
Because when we tunnel through it, we aren’t using effort. We’re using the inherent wisdom of our time/space illusions to make us one with our destination. The shortest way to a destination is not a straight line. It’s a bending of time/space.
Cosmic, yes?
The feeling of this, for you, will be the best way to navigate. If you are wishing that a certain success were already yours, well, go there in your body. Feel the feelings of that thing happening to you. Feel the success of it in your heart-brain, and your cosmic night sky, and see what that is all about. What is this bringing to you? If you can answer it now, in the present moment, you are already, in a sense, “there.” Because our mind has no way of knowing what is really there and what is just imagined, or remembered.
Using your heart to tunnel through it is a way of self hypnotizing yourself into believing you are already at your destination. Which leaves you free to do whatever seems right, right now. In our metaphor of being on the dead-end road in the middle of the ghost town, that might mean picking up the phone and calling an Uber.
Or simply realizing that you can walk across the field and hitch a ride on the highway.
Or that you don’t want to go to where you thought you did, after all.
You become free, free even from your own plans. (Which includes free from the plan to be a success Only After You Get This Thing or Arrive at This Place.)
Use this weekend to burn through the brain’s barriers and remember that your heart-brain, in so many ways, is more powerful than your brain. Someone said something like the brain makes a wise servant but a stupid master, and this is the weekend to remember that. Wake up your heart, even just as an experiment. What is your day like when your heart is leading your life?
When your heart is in dialog with the Great Possibilities in the Sky (GPS) what happens?
The tunnel in this metaphor is not dank and damp, it’s smooth and sleek. It’s elegant and easy.
So, tunnel through it, whatever it is.
I am always here to serve in any way I can.
Much Love to You,
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