You Are YOU
Weekly Reading Topic for September 28, 2019: You Are YOU
Well, good morning, love!
I just opened a Reading for you, my newsletter subscribers and here’s what I heard in answer to the following:
What do my readers most need to hear this weekend? What is the most important message to send to my beloved readers?
The answer was: “You Are YOU”
What follows is your Weekly Reading.
Weekly Reading │ You Are YOU
Q: What do you mean, “You Are YOU?”
A: Uh oh, I feel the waterworks turning on. Whenever my eyes tear up I know that the information I’m receiving is True On a Deep Level. When my eyes tear up AND the hair on my arms rises, I know that this information is also Full of Heart and Meaning.
So. Let’s take a look at “you are YOU.”
We all know — we’ve all heard — that each of us is totally unique and individual. Even identical twins are unique and individual, each expressing their DNA in specific, and often very different, ways.
We get it. Or do we? Have you ever really contemplated what it means to be a complete original?
Singular in shape, form, and function?
No one else will ever be born or has ever BEEN born with the same combination of letters, numbers, and symbols. You are YOU. No one else. And no one else is YOU. No one!
You are alone in the universe. Not just in your family, and not just in your neighborhood. Not just on the planet.
In the entirety of the cosmos, there is no other entity that matches you. And there never will be.
So when we toss about wondering what our life purpose is, some in the spirit world giggle a little. How on earth could we yearn for something more special than living our one, unique, totally unlived-before-never-to-be-lived-again life?
What if all the things we do to Feel Important, to Do Good, to Be Something are just … something to do while we live in our completely unparalleled existences?
What if the point is simply to exist, in this specific combination of cells, taking these specific breaths in this amazingly congruent order, for as long as this whole thing holds together?
What if there is no other point but to be YOU? Because You Are YOU, and that is enough?
This weekend as you go about your life I want you to repeat this mantra to yourself, with great love, astonishment, and tenderness:
This is what I see.
This is what I hear.
This is what I experience.
This is what I feel.
This is Why and How and Who.
I am ME.
Because, dear one, You Are YOU. And that is not just enough. It’s the ONLY. It’s the ULTIMATE.
Each of us is a walking miracle. And if we can’t walk, we’re still a miracle. We’re a great tide of consciousness that hits the universe like a tsunami, AND a pinpoint of a viewpoint that no one else can take. We’re as small as an atom, and yet we contain multitudes.
We are everything because there is literally no one else we could possibly be.
We are walking miracles, indeed.
Take a breath in, and feel that miracle as you breathe. Feel the miracle of billions of cells all working together to let your own, specific YOUness experience life as you, and only you can know it.
Let yourself be YOU because this is the one chance that ANY of us have to know what that even means.
Your ultimate responsibility (should such a thing even be real) is to BE YOU.
Lucky, because what on earth, or any other planet, could you be?
You Are YOU.
And so.
You are a blessing to me, and to everyone else. Known and unknown, past and present. Future. All times and spaces meeting in your singular breath, right … now.
Without You, we would all be less. We all give each other the Reasons to Be Us. Because when you look at each other, really see each other, as miracles, the cosmos opens up. Not just in the spangly sky above us, either. It opens in our hearts and in the dark space between our ears, the space where dreams live and sleep rolls out its velvet road.
The cosmos is us. So. Live your life, and remember: You Are YOU.
And that is more than enough. It’s everything.
I am always here to serve in any way I can.
Much Love to You,
PS: Thank you for sharing this with anyone who could use it!
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