We Do Not Choose This
Weekly Reading Topic for January 18, 2020: We Do Not Choose This
Well, good morning, love! I just opened a Reading for you, my newsletter subscribers and here’s what I heard in answer to the following:
What do my readers most need to hear this weekend? What is the most important message to send to my beloved readers?
The answer was: “We do not choose this.”
I’m not sure this makes sense to me yet. Perhaps it’s an effect of the channeling — sometimes I’m not sure what I just wrote/spoke is English. Or perhaps this is just a challenging subject.
In any case, my big takeaway is this:
Whenever I’ve felt like I was out of my mind, I was right.
What follows is your weekly reading, dear one.
Weekly Reading │ We Do Not Choose This
Q: What do we need to know about “We do not choose this?”
A: But we do not choose this, this “Mind” we are “in.”
It’s fragile and foreign to us. It’s not Us, it’s We.
Ergh, let me explain better than that. OK, here:
When we are born as infants, we are not born only into flesh. We also enter into Mind, that state of consciousness that is reserved only for the Human on Planet Earth.
It feels like each of us has our Own Mind, at least when we live long enough to become an adult. But thinking that Mind has anything to do with the workings of our human flesh is a mistake. The mind does not exist in the brain, or in neurotransmitters, or in the body, really, at all.
We only think that when we have gotten Used to Mind and Stop Understanding How It Works.
Really, Mind is not inside us. It’s all around us. True!
Children know this instinctively. Young ones believe they can read each other’s thoughts. And they can!
Mind is, actually, a collective awareness that we all share, this formless THING that we all pass through and live in and contribute to and take from.
It’s the sum total of the experience of Being Human, and we do not, I must emphasize, Do NOT Choose it.
We think, before we are born, that we will use Mind to make our experiences on the Planet. But the reality is that the Mind will use us, instead.
We will spend our lives exploring Mind, and expressing it. Here’s how it works.
When we are born (not as humans, but as … souls), we are little blobs of light, little Ideas in the Mind of God. We contain multitudes, we are Legion, we are all that is, and all that ever will be, we are still, peace, certainty. And that is because we are one with God. We are little Ideas, and God knows each of us as a delight.
God also is interested in, however, thinks it might be fun to see … what it’s like to NOT be God, to only have a little piece of that awareness.
So God created/creates Human Mind, and made/makes it a seemingly separate object. (Only seeming, though). That way God can experience separateness, you see, by entering Human Mind. And only by entering in billions of different bodies, each of which interacts with Mind in a separate and distinct way, can God experience the Totality of Human Mind.
So … what happens is that we blob our way through the Mind of God and right over to Human Mind, this other sort of blob of light in Mind of God. And we can think about it as a great nebula, if that helps, like in the infinity of space there is an eternity of stars and planets, and supernovas are like Minds within the Mind of God (which is space, of course). So we head over in our little blob of light and dive into the nebula of Human Mind.
And our bodies have already been created for us, to channel and experience Human Mind. Most often, when we encounter our bodies they have been gestating for about four months in our mother’s body. Our body defines itself, builds itself, pares what’s unnecessary, creates all the tools we need in the physical world.
Those are things that we choose, in a way, by deciding (while we’re in Mind of God) what kind of experience we want to have on the Earth. We will need two arms, two legs, a beating heart, lovely full blossoms of lungs, etc. Those are all things that are chosen by us.
But the Mind? We do not choose this. The Human Mind is something to explore, and that exploration will in some ways be limited by the body that is flesh. So by choosing our limitations, we KIND OF choose how we will experience Human Mind.
[We cannot fully choose, because just deciding our equipment does not determine our experience. For example, you can influence what sort of road trip you will take by choosing a beat-up VW Rabbit instead of a Rolls Royce, or a Harley instead of a scooter … but that does not fully determine what your lived experience will actually be once you start out on the road!]
And when we enter human mind, we physically start to inhabit our human bodies, which operate like filters.
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This is so ineffable! I apologize if this is not making sense.
I will try again.
Imagine a screen door on the door of your home, and you are inside, looking through the screen to the scene outside. The scene outside is Human Mind, and the screen door is our body.
We are the consciousness of God, we are God, looking through the eyes through a screen, to a scene that is wholly created just to … explore various experiences.
Human Mind is a wondrous place where God can pare away what is unnecessary, and focus on only what is interesting at this very moment. Using our human bodies, God can “focus” on a million different — no, a million times 7 billion — experiences simultaneously.
And so, we are all connected, in part because we are all the same God Consciousness experiencing the same Human Mind, even if it is through over 7 billion filters.
This is why, even though we have so many different bodies, Humans tend to experience many of the same things at the same time, even when they are in different places on the Planet. Human Mind connects us all, and we all share it, and so ideas that spring up in one part of Human Mind can quickly disseminate throughout the entire Human Mind.
The way this works is mysterious, but verified in experience AND in experiments like the Hundredth Monkey experiments. When one person “wakes up,” for example, others soon follow. And not just people in that person’s immediate sphere of influence. Often, others also seem to wake up, seemingly spontaneously — yet, it’s really the same awakening, just happening in parts of the Mind that are interested in experiencing “waking up.”
This is also why we will see the same novel written by five different authors, all in the same year. Or very similar movies made in quick succession. They were all being created at the same time … because those creators had filters that were experiencing the same part of Human Mind!
So back to birth, just because it’s interesting. We as consciousness typically enter our human bodies at four months, five months. Some as late as nine months. Others wait until they are in the birth canal, or even, in a few cases, after the birth itself.
This is our choice, when to enter the human body. Those who enter earlier tend to have an easier time in the physical world in some ways. They are more “at home” in their bodies than those who enter later.
However, those who enter earlier also have it harder, in some ways, because they may have a harder time understanding their own existence as / union with The Mind of God. They tend to be more certain that Their Human Mind is Separate and Apart from All Others.
The illusion that each of us has our Own Mind is a persistent and powerful one. It springs from that place of being inside a house, looking out through a screen door. It’s quite easy, if you think about it, to have sympathy for those who live in that house as it is being built. It becomes theirs in a way it never is for those of who moved in after the house was fully built.
And once you have a home, it’s easy to get territorial, particularly if you helped to build it. It feels like something you must defend. Finding out that others might be just as at home out there, in your scene, is a shock.
And so we are born, and we live in our bodies only for this: as a way to navigate through the experience of Human Mind.
This is why it is important to care for your body: without a healthy body, navigating through Human Mind becomes more difficult and distracting.
But we do not choose this, any of it. Because once we are born, and have built our bodies, we cannot possibly follow through 100% on whatever plans God’s Mind had for us in Human Mind. That’s because of the miracles we have here, the way that all things seem to come from us, from our Minds, and so we think that we are more in charge than we knew before we came here.
And so even though it is entirely possible to live in a Pilgrim sort of way, just taking what is offered and walking about Planet Earth with no particular destination, solely following the Mind of God as you travel … it is not common.
That is the way most animals live, as they help God experience the world through their filters. But for humans … being a Pilgrim is less common.
More often, way more often, we choose instead to anchor down in a part of Human Mind and try to manipulate our experience from there. And that is a good choice because God sends most of us here to experience something very specific, something only that body and Mind of God Idea could experience. It’s unique to each of us.
But we do not choose this. We are just little adventurers, sent out with some money and a good boat and wind at our back, to sail into the Human Mind and see what it’s like.
Our only mission, all of us, is to take that adventure, pay attention, and report back to God. That’s it!
It’s a lovely adventure, and I’m hoping yours is going well today. Many blessings on your ventures.
Enjoy your weekend, and I am always here to serve in any way I can.
Much Love to You!
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