Take the Next Step
Weekly Reading Topic for April 27, 2019: Take the Next Step
Well, good morning, love! It’s my quietest time on Friday night, after everyone is in bed, and I just opened up a Reading for you and asked the following question:
What do my readers most need to hear this weekend? What is the most important message to send to my beloved readers?
The topic that came was “take the next step.”
What follows is your Weekly Reading. Thank you for inspiring it, because I am still tingling as a result of getting it!
Weekly Reading │ Take the Next Step
Q: What do we need to know about taking the next step?
A: This is the time, and the time is now, and if you have been waiting for a signal from the Universe, here it is!
It’s time to begin, or to continue with a new affirmation, to put some muscle behind your desires.
Sometimes when we plan, and dream, and think, and mull, and unspool our thoughts in our dizzy daydreams, we think “someday.”
Today, Saturday, is Someday.
It’s time to take the next step. Whatever it is that comes to mind when I say that, THAT is what you must begin today.
(The thing that makes your throat clutch with excitement, with anxiety? Yup, that’s the one!)
So there is a thing to know: the first step is only the first, and only a step. Not a stride, not a leap, not a jump.
A step.
Stand up, and look down at your feet. See them there, beneath your knees, and look at how they are made. They are marvels, as marvelous as your hands, and sturdier. They are designed to arch as they meet the ground, whatever the surface is you are standing upon. That arch under your feet is echoed in the curve of the earth, in the dome of the sky, in the arc of the comet as it travels through our universe.
That arch is cradling the nothingness, the emptiness, from which all wonderful lively things come.
So when you take one step forward, you always step into the void, into the abyss. Good lord, that feels terribly exciting.
And each time, your foot catches you, ever since you first taught yourself to walk.
Wait: You taught YOURSELF how to WALK!
What a miracle that is! No human in the history of Humans has ever been TAUGHT to walk.
We look around and see what other humans do, and know that WE can do that, too. And it takes a few months. But we all end up toddling around, walking on air, trusting our feet to catch our every step, and keep us upright.
So as you take a step forward today, remember — this is just one more step in your life. You can do it, because you do it everyday!
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Whatever it is that is making you breathe a little tighter, imagine that thing being as momentous and as prosaic as the first step you ever took.
And imagine that God/Universe/Unity/Love is watching you, delighting in this step, the same way your parents delighted in your first step in this body.
They watched you tumble toward them, love in your face and pride in your eyes, triumphant fists raised high, and they clapped and praised you.
You were a hero.
And you are today, a hero.
Because every step, really, is a miracle.
And if every step is a miracle, and we take thousands a day, we experience endless reams of miracles.
So as you contemplate what it is To Do Next, remember: you just need to make one step, one tiny miracle.
You only need to cover a bare twelve inches of ground.
The other steps come after, in quick succession.
As Pooh might say, I go Almost Nowhere, and Somewhere comes to Me.
Everything we want in our lives is right here, in the little pocket of miracle right under the arch of our feet.
Take care of them and love them today. They are taking you to your heart’s desire.
If the next step still feels too Big and Important, break it down further. Everything we want comes one step at a time, one line at a time, one note at a time.
We are all songs, singing ourselves. We are all walkers, really, swinging our hands as we roam the planet, reaching out to touch each other.
I’m grateful for this walk with you, today, and wish you all the best on this next step.
There is so much LOVE for us today in this message. I hope you can feel the energy and excitement behind this message, because it is making me Tingle and Shake with something that, I think, is much like Joy.
Phew. I feel totally invigorated now, and I was sort of tired before I started this Reading. This is powerful energy for me to try to fall asleep with. I must remember to breathe into this energy, because breath is one of the main ways we retain our power.
Breathe deep, and I am always here to serve in any way I can.
Much Love to You,
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