Sing the Song
Weekly Reading Topic for October 26, 2019: Sing the Song
Well, good morning, love!
I just opened a Reading for you, my newsletter subscribers and here’s what I heard in answer to the following:
What do my readers most need to hear this weekend? What is the most important message to send to my beloved readers?
The answer was: “Sing the Song.”
Here is your Weekly Reading. I hope it serves and makes sense 🙂
Weekly Reading │ Sing the Song
Q: What does that mean, “Sing the Song?”
A: This is a difficult reading for me today. Not because I don’t understand what I’m getting for our weekly message, but because I’m having trouble finding words that fit its shape and scope and depth.
When I sit, motionless, hand on heart, waiting for words while feeling big, big, big joy in every cell I can detect in my human body, it means only one thing: the ineffable is hoping to be … effed?
So I’ve sat with this big, trembling feeling of lightness and sweetness and teary-eyed wonder for a full five minutes, based on the counter on my focus@will app. And finally, I received the topic for this weekend:
Sing the Song.
Those of you who have sung in a choir, or those of you who have listened to a very good choir, put yourself into the most exquisite musical experience in your memory banks.
There you are, open-throated and clear-minded, ALLOWING sound to come from the soles of your feet up through your pelvis, belly, heart, and out your throat. You relax your mind so that your muscles will relax, too, and allow the sound to rise through your firm, engaged core to be shaped by your mouth and tongue. And all around you, your fellow singers are doing the same.
You are all breathing one breath, even when you stagger your breath. You are all listening, listening, listening, to each other, to the musicians, to the whole of the song as well as its individual parts.
It’s one of the ways we can tap into ecstatic union as humans. Music is invisible and ephemeral: it can only be experienced, not captured. In this, it is our purest art form.
And here’s the thing: everyone sings. Humans hear only a fraction of what can be heard. There are other species who speak to each other in sounds so deep that we humans would feel them, possibly, as something like a trembling in the ground. There are others who speak in frequencies so altitudinous that they would feel to us like that slippery-but-firm, almost squeaky snow underfoot in a first winter storm.
There are sounds all around you, right now, that you will never be able to hear with your human ears.
And just as we have only a narrow range of ability to hear, the same is true for most other species (although most hear more than we do).
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And yet, when we are in spirit, we hear it all. And the ALL of the sound is the same sound that was heard “in the beginning.” In nearly every population on this planet, there is a creation story that involves a song, a word, a form that starts “moving over the dark water.”
God/Spirit/Unity sings our world into being. And so, when we are entering or living or leaving our physical bodies, do we.
So, Sing the Song means this weekend, Listen. Imagine that you can hear the song. The great song that sings us all, every day, every minute. There is evidence that even our cells make sounds as they work. We are all little tiny creatures, singing our little tiny songs, which all add up to the ALL. The Song.
And our job is to do that, to stand in the center of the music, as in the center of a great concert choir, and allow our part to unfold from our body and our love for the music. Stand in the middle of the music, and devote your physical body to the singing of the song.
This is a weekend when a great deal of activity and buzz will be about and up and around, and we’re not counseling you to withdraw from it. On the contrary: we’re urging you to experience it as a great Song all around you, the song that we are all singing and being sung.
The feeling in my body as I eff-able this message in these as piteously inadequate words is vibrancy. It’s flooding of light, a release of a dam, a welling of a spring. It’s a spark catching its flame, and a moth spreading its wings.
For those of you whose birthdays fall in this last half of October and the first week of November, remember: this is your message particularly. You are blessed (or cursed it may seem) to be singers of the song, to carry the whole of the cosmos in the back of your mind. Some days this feels like an inspiring obligation and other days like a dour duty.
But it’s neither. It’s simply an ability to feel the full spectrum of the human experience and to bring it up from the depth of your being into the great song so that the rest of us can hear it better.
So if you have been feeling called to put something out there, come out of your closet (whatever closet you’re in) or make a new noise in the world, now is a good time to do so. And if it’s just been your birthday or if your birthday is in the next two weeks, it’s almost coming as a commandment. Do. It.
We are all responsible for our parts, and even those of us who think we sing badly, or brokenly, or too softly, or out of tune, are still Singing.
So Sing Your Song, because when you are, you are a Singer. Sing the Song.
I am always here to serve in any way I can.
Much Love to You,
PS: Thank you for sharing this with anyone who could use it!
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