Weekly Reading Topic for February 15, 2020: Revolution!
Well, good morning, love! I just opened a Reading for you, my newsletter subscribers and here’s what I heard in answer to the following:
What do my readers most need to hear this weekend? What is the most important message to send to my beloved readers?
The answer was: “Revolution!” (Exclamation point included in the original!)
What follows is your weekly reading, dear one.
Weekly Reading │ Revolution!
Q: What do we need to know about “Revolution!?”
A: Here it comes again, another wave of change. Another movement from deep within our collective consciousness, a restless push-me-pull-you energy that demands expression, the pushing of (or toppling of) boundaries, the final exclamation point on a long, winding wail of why-are-things-so-stuckness that’s been bellowing for decades.
We’re riding the big waves now, the ones that rear up from the deep miles off shore, taking all the water above them and behind them and shove it towards us on the land. How exhilarating. We stand on the bluff and watch them roll in, build, crest, curl and foam and slip off their own mountains of water before they hit the rocks just below like a crash of thunder.
And we watch as those brave few dare to helicopter out, or get a tow, and stand on the side of those moving mountains, trusting their own bodies and the slim board beneath their grippy feet to get them to safety, to carry them back out to the welling waters, the place where waves are built.
So we are on the cliff, yes, but soon we will not be able to stand and watch. Soon, and in some areas of your life, very soon, we will have to take up our boards and get out there, paddle and straddle and strain our eyes to see when and where the next big one is coming.
But they’ll all be big, friends, and they’ll come fast, one after another. If you haven’t already been experiencing this in your personal life, you’ve been watching it happen to others.
So, let’s surf. Because when it’s time for Revolution, water walkers know how to handle it.
There are three principles to keep in mind during times of Revolution:
Principle One: Stay Strong.
Physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. If you feel weak, your fear will build into an internal wave that, when it meets the waves of revolution, can topple you off your board and give you a nasty scrape along the rocky bottom. Whatever you do for your muscles, be diligent. Walk, work out — stay active and give your body the message that It Is Strong.
Strength equals Safety.
Similarly, if you have a meditation or prayer practice, do it. Anything that calms the mind and clarifies the spirit will help you to meet these waves.
And as you engage with others, place your hand on your heart to remind yourself to stay centered in your own body, safe, strong, loving and loved. Feed yourself the best food you can. Take care of yourself as your most loving adult family member would have wanted when you were a child.
Principle Two: Relax
As often as possible. Breathe deep breaths several times a day, counting to six in, six out, and repeating over and over until you feel yourself calm down. You cannot stay on a surfboard if you are stiff!
There is a difference between being strong and being tense — you want to engage your muscles, not wring them into submission. If you are strong, you will be able to exert yourself while still relaxing whatever is not necessary to meet the moment.
Let me give an example of this. Stick your index finger straight up, and then curl it so the nail meets your palm. Then open it up again so it is straight. There are muscles that bend your finger forward and OPPOSING muscles that straighten it out. As you bend and straighten, bend and straighten, these opposing muscles have to work together to make that happen.
When you curl your finger, the bending muscles work hard, while the straightening muscles relax to allow the curl. When you straighten, those muscles work hard, and the benders relax to allow the straighten.
Now try to curl and straighten at the same time. Your finger is sort of stuck, right? In a weird somewhat bent position? It’s quivering and shaking, and you’re quite tired, aren’t you?
Of course you are. You’re literally opposing yourself.
If you are working hard at something, don’t use muscles that aren’t needed. It’s exhausting!
Here’s another way to relax: If you are solving a problem, set all other problems aside while you do that. It’s OK to be focused. You’re not going to multi-task your way out of this. The good news is, however, that sometimes when we focus and solve a thorny problem, other things that seemed problematic aren’t anymore. Our relaxation around them somehow made them … less of an issue.
Focus is critical now, and focus comes from exerting in one direction, not two. Without focus, the waves of revolution can topple you off your board.
Surfers are not thinking about anything but feeling the water and riding the wave. They are not making shopping lists when they are sliding down the slope. They are totally focused. Allow yourself to do one thing with a tremendous dedication: curl the finger.
Bottom line: relax, as often as possible, to save strength and energy to meet challenges later. Take naps, breathe, and LAUGH.
I cannot stress this enough: you should deliberately laugh for at least twenty minutes a day.
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Principle Three: Decide Your Role
No matter what “side” you choose in any issue, you must decide, now, what you stand for, what matters to YOU. This is not about evangelizing or telling anyone else about who you are or what you want. This is about YOU knowing FOR YOURSELF.
For example, if you are a physician, and you know how to assess injuries and help with healing, and that feels like Your Role, find ways to do that in as many places as possible. If someone asks you to build a house, or plant a garden, or march or speak in public, and those activities are not things that fit into your healing role, you can feel really good now about saying no.
We should all be doing what we are built to do now. There will always be people in revolutionary times who criticize others, who think “everyone will agree with me as soon as they experience the world the way I do” and “you just have to come here and do this/read this/watch this and you will understand why you should give up/give over/take this action.”
Nope. Never has this ever happened, and never will it. In any revolution, there are ALWAYS people who do not want change (roughly 30%), people who do want change (another 30%), and the rest: people who would prefer that things just settle down one way or the other.
There will be things you know are yours to do, and things you know are not. Do not let anyone decide your actions for you, and do not let anyone speak on your behalf. This is a time to decide, for ourselves, what we do in the world.
Why? Because the greatest revolutions are led by PEOPLE WHO HAVE ALREADY EXPERIENCED THE REVOLUTION!
If you do not have peace inside your mind and heart and body, you cannot be a bringer of peace, and you cannot keep the peace.
If you do not have love and acceptance for yourself, just as you are, you flawed and silly human self, you cannot possibly speak of love or acceptance for anyone else, no matter how sincerely you wish their marginalized communities well.
If you are unjust, you will create injustice, even if you intend the exact opposite.
If you are angry, you will create more anger. If you are sad, afraid, irritated, disgusted … you will bring those to the table. (This is why it’s so important to acknowledge your real feelings even just to yourself … so that you know what you bring to the table!)
The best decisions always come from a place of internal clarity. There is a peace in that internal space, the peace of the deep reaches of space, the peace in the eye of the hurricane, the peace in the very center of a wave as it builds itself.
In order to surf the changes, in order to join the Revolution and be effective in our own roles, we need to find that internal space, that cosmic palace of self, and live there. Now, and forever, until the end of time. That’s where we are, and that’s where we can see, feel, think, and decide with clarity and purpose.
Who Am I? I am I. And You are You. And We Are We. And the more of us who are grounded inside … the more we will see the world fall into our preferred order.
Do not think that this is a time to sit back and trust that others are doing the work. We are all buffeted by these waves, and we all have a role to play. And there are people right now actively working to make the world according to THEIR vision, to THEIR desires.
If you are to have any hope of staying on your board, it’s time to center, strengthen, and relax so you can engage with the ever-shifting rhythms of the ocean.
It’s not hopeless. It’s not easy. And you will never, ever feel more alive than you will this year.
To the Revolution!!
I am always here to serve in any way I can.
Much Love to You!
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