Restart for a Light Heart
Weekly Reading Topic for May 11, 2019: Restart for a Light Heart
Well, good morning, love!
I just opened up a Reading for you and asked the following question:
What do my readers most need to hear this weekend? What is the most important message to send to my beloved readers?
And it was another expansive and cosmic topic that surprised me: “Restart for a Light Heart.”
What follows is your Weekly Reading.
Weekly Reading │ Restart for a Light Heart
Q: What do we need to know about a restart for a light heart?
A: Oh, there is so much to know!! Wow, this feels Big.
OK, you know how when you have too many tabs open on your browser AND you are running seventeen different programs AND you have dozens of chat windows open, and your computer starts to get sluggish, and pause and stutter and spin and give you lots of spinning wheels or buffering signals?
And then you think to yourself “it’s been a while since I restarted” and you restart, but you didn’t close all your programs down first, and so when you start back up it takes maybe a painfully long time, and you realize that you really DO need to close everything down, one by one, and restart again, to be 100% sure that your computer has a chance to restart with a clean buffer and you are so pleased you took the time, because now your computer is back to it’s spiffy, fast self?
That’s what we mean by Restart.
And Light Heart? A light heart is the feeling that comes when you restart yourself, the same way a light operating system is what happens when you restart your computer.
Oh, I hope this makes sense because it’s important!
Here’s a secret: we are little spiritual computers. We are made of ones and zeros, and our software is best run under certain conditions. Life experiences can rewrite our software, and change our code to include or exclude things, or perform new functions, but the reality is that we operate best when we are “light.” When our code is simple, straightforward, and “clean.”
Apparently, these are computer coding terms: “light” and “clean.” And also “elegant.”
So, if we are ones and zeros, and our code is written to execute clean, elegant actions in the world, it follows that we have basic needs that must be met in order for our computer to run.
We have to be plugged into an energy source.
We have to be connected to the internet.
We have to have basic software installed that allows us to run and manage ourselves.
And we must protect ourselves from malicious outsiders who hope to hijack us and take over our systems.
So this weekend, it’s time to Restart your spiritual computer, so that your code can be Light Hearted.
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Full of light, full of heart, light of heart, and heart of light.
Oh, what a word salad, but our guides are showing us that our spiritual code is so elegant that it works backward and forward and from the middle out.
Here’s a fantastic ritual to use to Restart your spiritual computer:
Standard Disclaimer: When I use the word Ritual you might hear Magic Spell or some such, and that’s fine, it’s what YOU mean. Others will hear Set of Steps That Works and that’s fine too, because it’s what YOU mean. Both meanings work. A ritual is simply a set of actions that help our mind to focus on a certain outcome. No biggie.
OK, so here’s a ritual to Restart our Spiritual Computers for a Light Heart:
(I have a feeling this is going to be funny, somehow. Sometimes I laugh when I’m feeling happiness and truth arrive, so maybe that’s all I’m picking up. Let’s see.)
Right now, no matter where you are, how many are with you, what time it is, or what you’re doing otherwise, decide that you want to live with a Light Heart. (This is important, to establish intent.)
Take a very deep breath, and hold it for a count of four. Feel the breath spread to the four corners of your torso, your shoulder, your shoulder, your hip, your hip. Let the breath go, feeling the wind course down your four limbs.
Repeat this breath two more times.
Take another deep breath, and this time just let it relax as many tissues as possible. Some of you will see a blue light, others will just feel the expansion of your ribs. Doesn’t matter, just intend to relax your muscles, your eyes, your ears, your brain, your liver and bones and everything, everything.
Turn your attention to your eyelids and see if you can feel how heavy they are growing. Feel it?
Allow them to close.
Imagine a white light in the center of your vision, a pinprick of light, although for some of you it will be bigger than that, maybe the size of a quarter. Watch that light grow and expand, and feel how it envelops your head. Keep expanding it until you feel the white light inside AND outside your body, growing and growing and growing and growing until your white light is as large as the room you are in, as large as your yard, your neighborhood, the city you live in.
And as it grows, feel how that light is not just outside of you, but in your tissues, in those vast areas of empty space that live between your molecules, the place they call dark matter, but really it’s a kind of light, a velvety beauty that connects us all.
That light is the place we all come from and return to, endlessly and eternally, and when you feel it alive in you you are Restarting, literally!
So as you feel your white light (we use white light as a way to visualize this because it is the most familiar image to the most of you, but if that looks different, don’t worry, it’s OK and trustworthy as long as you can feel the expansion and space in yourself), as you feel your white light expanding and expanding, inside and out, notice that on the earth there are these awesome columns of light that form a sort of three-dimensional grid. They are in the earth and rise up out of the continents and oceans, standing miles above the world, and they connect at the center of the earth but also in a grid way out in our outer atmosphere, and these columns of white light, this grid they pillar, are instant “super highways” of light for all of us to make use of, any time we want. They are eternal and cannot be depleted.
So take your white light self and expand it and look for your nearest pillar, because there is one close to you now because you are so gigantic. Continue to expand so that you connect to it and can let that bridge of light carry you anywhere you wish.
And when you feel like you have spent some lovely time in heaven, or at the center of the earth, or in your favorite childhood haunt, or wherever else you like, whether a minute or five or an hour, feel yourself breathing again, those lovely breaths our lungs take, drawing in the spacious air for our sustenance in this body.
And let your eyelids grow lighter, and lighter, and feel yourself re-emerging from your Light Heart Restart.
Open your eyes and feel that Light feeling, that feeling of freedom and expansion this ritual can bring.
And that is how you clean your code so that you run more efficiently, with more elegance and less drama.
Repeat as often as needed.
I am always here to serve in any way I can.
Much Love to You,
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