Pisces Rising
Weekly Reading Topic for July 18, 2020:
Well, good morning, love! I just opened a Reading for you, my newsletter subscribers and here’s what I heard in answer to the following:
What do my readers most need to hear this weekend? What is the most important message to send to my beloved readers?
The answer was: “Pisces Rising.”
Ooooh — astrology??
Couldn’t be. I’m not an astrologer! How do I do this?
Well, let’s see what comes up, shall we?
What follows is your weekly reading, dear one.
Weekly Reading │ Pisces Rising
Q: What do we need to know about “Pisces Rising?”
A: People with Pisces rising in their astrological charts are soft on the outside, dreamy, small-bodied, and swift as fish. Try to pin them down and they wriggle away. Catch them with a hook and your own heart will tear a little too, watching their tender flesh give way so easily.
It’s cruel to try to pin down a Pisces. They want to swim free, in clear waters.
They hate stagnation, pools of swirling nowhere, hot sun, and dry land.
They want to be out and about and drifting with the current, or driving their muscular, slender, sleek bodies cross-current, just to feel the joy.
And when they are rising, that means that they are what we see on the outside of the person. The sun sign, in astrolgy, is “who you really are.” The rising sign, in astrology, is “who you seem to be.”
It’s not a mask, exactly. More like an initial presentation, a way IN to the person.
So a person with Pisces rising appears quite soft, and tender, and dreamy. But depending upon Who’s Really Underneath, you might find that presentation tricksy to pin down.
The bottom line for this weekend is this: A tender, soft, loving, spiritual time is upon us, and it’s one that Will Not Be Pinned Down.
You cannot trap or control this weekend. You can’t work hard and expect to get Big Things Done. It’s just not that kind of a weekend!
Fish are slippery and they don’t do well out of their native habitat. Catch one and slap it on the deck, and it’s done. You want that beautiful rainbow of color you saw in the water? Leave it in the water.
So who are we, this weekend, contending with a Pisces Rising time? We’re seeing the world and each other through a veil of gray, foaming, backward-forward-flowing waves.
Keep looking, wait for the foam to clear, and you’ll understand more about what’s happening. Um, later. Maybe next week sometime, after this Piscean lens is lifted.
When Pisces rises we can’t always trust our first impressions.
The look of love might be skepticism with a little smile. The look of anger might be a mouth cutting itself on teeth to keep the sobs inside.
The dreamer might be a Great Doer. The action hero might be a Big Loser.
We need to allow Pisces Rising to float around in our view and show us whatever it’s going to, and wait, patiently, for the next piece of information to reveal itself.
In other words: not the time to take people at their exact word, or think that This is the Final Answer.
So whatever insights, struggles, or questions you have been working with or presented with this week, if they are still with you this weekend, Look Deeper.
The fish is always swimming, always darting away. Follow and pay attention, and see if he leads you to Who You Really Are in an indirect, roundabout, go-with-the-flow kind of way.
And if you are dealing with other people, particularly people you don’t know, use caution. Wait a little before saying yes (or no) and allow the full picture to develop.
It’s not that we are being tricked — no. Pisces is about love at it’s highest, and deception only at it’s weakest. It’s a sign of mystery and nuance, and so when it’s rising, we have to wait for a few chapters to find out the Real Story.
So hold off on final judgments. Wait for a while before deciding. Think about things a little more before you choose.
And if you have an idea about yourself, let it steep for a bit in the pure consciousness of a clear mind before committing to it as a Belief.
This is a time when we play with ideas as if they are costumes, as if we are watching ripples on a pond or ocean waves crashing on the shore. It’s the same water every time, but in constantly New Configurations. Trying to pin down anything right now is not just unwise, but impossible.
So try to rise with Pisces. Take a little float and see what you think in a day or two. It’s best to take this time to dream, to let things unfold, to rest. Float on your back if you can, and if you Must Work, let it be the work of cleansing, because Pisces loves clean, clear energy.
So this weekend: no new endeavors, please. Do things you’ve put off for ages. Tie up lose ends. Dream, and clean, organize, tidy up, bake, take a nice long bath with bubbles. Go for a swim.
Let the fish in you (there’s a little fish in all of us) have some nice, clean water to swim in.
Don’t require too much of your little fish this weekend. It’s busy collecting pearls from the oysters in the depths of your soul, and it mustn’t be disturbed or distracted with silly questions like “what time?” or “how long?” or “what, exactly, are you doing??”
Meanwhile, clean your room.
Later there will be a time to count your pearls, and string them into jewelry, or trade them for something you Really Want.
This weekend is for the fish.
Let yourself drift and dabble.
I am always here to serve in any way I can.
Much Love to You,
PS: Here’s a song that Neil Young clearly wrote under the influence of Pisces:
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