Patience and Planning
Weekly Reading Topic for April 13, 2019: Patience and Planning
Well, good morning, love! I hope this finds you well and happy and well-rested. Last night I opened up a Reading for my newsletter subscribers (you) and asked the following question:
What do my readers most need to hear this weekend? What is the most important message to send to my beloved readers?
The answer was quick to come: Patience and Planning. And the message I received after getting that topic? Phew. A perspective I’ve never been offered, ever. It’s long, but hopefully, worth your time.
What follows is your Weekly Reading. Thank you for inspiring it, and I hope it serves you well.
Weekly Reading │ Patience and Planning (!!!)
Q: What do we need to know about patience and planning?
A: Oh, boy. There is quite a lot to know, isn’t there. Some of us spend our entire existences on this planet in a constant state of learning how to be patient, and how to plan.
But really, patience and planning are Who We Really Are.
There is nothing more patient than the consciousness we all come from.
Standard Disclaimer: Whatever your word for “God” is, insert it throughout this piece. When I channel in a group setting, I often get fifty words at once that all basically mean That Something That/Who/Which Seems Greater Than Us From Which We All Come and To Which We All Return But Who We’ve Never Really Left in the First Place Known By About a Bazillion Names.
Unity, which is my word for this consciousness, knows nothing BUT Patience.
In Unity, all is already done, and all is already known.
There is no need for this weird thing we crave in human form: patience.
What is there to be patient about? Unity already has all the love, all the joy, all the peace. Unity knows nothing but abundance. The entire cosmos is at Unity’s disposal. So what does it need patience for?
Planning also means nothing, really to Unity.
Unity has an idea, and it IS. No time/space needed. Just “pop” and it’s there. There is no need to “Plan.”
There is no space/time between the understanding of the thing and the creation of the thing. Doesn’t sound like much patience OR planning is needed.
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OK, so why does this matter, and how do we apply it to our own lives, now?
We do as we are so often instructed to do: We Remember Who We Are.
This weekend, when you notice the parts of your life that feel like Impatience or Lack of Planning, say a little thank you to Who You Really Are. Those are the parts of your life where you have decided you really want to lean into the experience of patience, or of planning.
(Patience and Planning often go hand in hand, don’t they.)
Because when we are one with Unity, we don’t need any such thing as planning, or patience, right?
So if you are experiencing a need for them, it’s because YOUnity wanted to understand those experiences more fully.
When things show up for us, they are clues.
Imagine: Unity has an idea called “impatience.”
“Wow,” Unity thinks, “I have nothing but lovely Patience to experience because everything is immediately HERE for me. What would it be like to, I don’t know, have to WAIT for something?”
“What would THAT be like? Is it even possible for me to ‘wait?’”
And that, friends, is how Unity/God/Universe/Spirit/Energy “creates” patience.
With a simple desire to feel the opposite of something Unity/God/Universe/Spirit/Energy already knows.
God is always looking for a new adventure.
And I think God is always looking for NEW ways to experience these ideas. He/she/Father/Mother/All is kind of interested in patience, obviously, or so many of us would not struggle with it.
It’s like Unity is sitting around feeling impatience, and then the gaining of patience, through person 1, and that’s awesome.
But then Unity wonders, “Wait, maybe it would feel different if I felt it through person 2!?”
And then “Huh, but what about another person, and another? Oh, why not just feel it through ALL these people?”
I would imagine that if you were immediately able to conjure anything you like, it would be very interesting, totally fascinating, to examine the concept of waiting, of patience, in detail.
I imagine it would also be quite something to PLAN.
To take the construction of a new thing and slooooooooow that process down … what an interesting thing for Unity.
Does it feel like we’re lab rats in a scientist’s experiment yet?
Well, the good news is we are … but we are also The Scientist.
So this weekend, as you notice where you are impatient, and where you would like to make more plans — or have neglected to make plans — take a beat.
Pause and think about the opportunity you are participating in.
God is feeling, through you, what God does not usually feel.
God is really getting something from YOU.
And if God gets a really FULL experience, of patience, of planning, God might look for a new adventure and try feeling something ELSE new through you.
So if you are sick of patiently waiting and planning … try to Experience those things fully.
Because, in the end, YOU ARE Unity, even though you have all these weird physical filters of brain, skin, specific relationships.
You Are Unity.
And you can Remember Who You Are.
And when you do, the plans might just seem obvious.
And the patience might look … luxurious.
Maybe patience is a way to loll around in your full experience, now.
Maybe the thing you are patient about is more like a carrot, the one they hang a few feet from the nose of a donkey, to encourage those stubborn beasts to walk.
Maybe, just for example, my impatience for “time to work my novel to completion” is really my own little carrot, hanging out there, calling me forward, step by step, so that I can arrive at the time to work on my novel fully refreshed and having accomplished so many other things that the novel, in comparison, looks almost easy.
Like a respite. Oh, now THAT feels great!
So this weekend, take a beat. Experience the joy that Unity/God/Universe/Spirit/Energy is feeling through you.
The joy of not having, immediately, everything you want.
The joy of making an effort.
The joy of work.
This is what God wants to experience through us. And each of us is giving God a unique experience.
It’s what we are here for. We know this is true; otherwise, we’d have chosen a very different incarnation.
(Personally, if I come back to Earth, I think I’ll come back as one of my Maltese. Wait, AM I currently incarnated as one of my dogs? I’ll have to take that question up in another private Reading, later.)
Also, notice when you are in your beat, your Pause to Appreciate, if there is a message for you.
Maybe the plan is already there, in your mind, and you just need to commit to it.
Maybe there is no Big Plan, but you can see a few steps.
If you find yourself impatient, take that Pause to Appreciate, and see what this impatience holds for you. Look for your carrot, your desire you are following.
If you caught up to it and took a bite, would it be a sweet, yummy carrot, or a bitter, shriveled, rubbery one?
Sometimes we are impatient for old ideas, ones that have passed us by, or that we have outgrown.
Sometimes what we want is not worth following.
Sometimes it’s something we just plain old don’t want.
Take that Pause and ask: am I really loving this path, even if I don’t get a bite of the carrot for a while? Because your stubborn donkey feet will eventually take you where you are going.
Make sure you’re on the right path, one that you can enjoy.
Unity/God/Universe/Spirit/Energy isn’t trying to make us miserable. Just … focused on certain experiences he/she/they are interested in.
And if you pause in the process of experiencing it, you might find you have more influence over your participation than it first seems.
That one made my head spin. Doing this Reading was such a gift for me! I hope it was for you, too.
I am always here to serve in any way I can.
Much Love to You,
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