Make a Connection
Weekly Reading Topic for January 4, 2020: Make a Connection
Well, good morning, love! I just opened a Reading for you, my newsletter subscribers and here’s what I heard in answer to the following:
What do my readers most need to hear this weekend? What is the most important message to send to my beloved readers?
The answer was: “Make a Connection.”
This is rather strongly worded, but I can assure you it comes from love. As I channeled, the experience was nothing but bliss. This year is going to be a great one, and they just want us to remember to get our priorities straight up front 🙂
What follows is your weekly reading, dear one.
Weekly Reading │ Make a Connection
Q: What do we need to know about “Make a Connection?”
A: The human experience calls for community by definition. We have primate bodies, primate minds, and primate needs, both evolutionary and bio-physiological. We are a species that thrives in interdependent relationships, and we absolutely need to feel connected to others in order to be healthy.
So this weekend’s message, “make a connection,” can be taken as a reminder of our need to be part of a loving group of primates. That might be your family, or it might be a friend group, or ideally, both.
So what happens, they prompt me, when someone is NOT connected to their family, or feels a lack of friends?
Danger lies there. The lone primate is not only lonely, he or she is also at high risk of dying. Literally, we can die of isolation. Loneliness and disconnection are known to shorten life in the elderly, for example.
So if you are living a life that is so busy you can’t find time to be with your friends and family in a primate-friendly way, you’re literally putting yourself at risk of … DEATH! [[Cue thunder and lightning sound effects.]]
I know this sounds so … final. But that’s the message I’m getting. It’s really time to connect deeply.
This is an important reminder this year because 2020 looks like it’s going to be super active and oddly productive in the career area. For most people, it’s a time when our ideas are more likely to bear fruit than in the recent past. And that’s great — but it can also distract us from our responsibilities to ourselves and our primate friends and families.
It’s not enough to get ahead. It’s critical that you put your relationships on the front burner. If you backburner them too often this year, you run the risk of your primate group walking off into the forest with a little wave. Have fun counting your cash, because it might be the only thing you’re holding at the end of the year.
Does that sound dire? It is. This is a really strong warning from our guides this week. If you make New Year resolutions, add this one:
I will tend to my relationships, every day, in as many ways as I can. I will make time for my relationships as my first priority because I know that everything else will be meaningless without them.
Now, this doesn’t mean that you have to skip things that are important to you or back off work altogether. The opposite, in fact. The same productive, energetic leverage that we can experience in our work this year is also available in our relationships. It’s time to find out what your loved ones REALLY need to feel connected to you, and then give them THAT.
It’s also time for you to tell your loved ones what you need, directly.
It’s also time for you to get into therapy if you have any trouble in any of these areas. This productive year is GREAT for undoing the kind of annoying, troublesome subconscious patterns that we tend to build up over the course of our lifetime. The ones that make us self-sabotage, for example.
The energy is joyful, abundant, and productive — so this is a great time to get hypnosis, acupuncture, talk therapy, bodywork of any kind. It’s also a very supportive time to start a new sport or restart an old habit. It’s like we’re reborn this year — this is a new start to a new cycle.
So take stock this weekend and ask yourself if you are disconnected from yourself, your loved ones, or your community in any way. And if the answer is yes, make some new choices. This time won’t last forever — now we can make a connection easily and with great joy.
Even if it’s just with yourself, this is the weekend to make a plan and take a few steps toward getting it done!
I am always here to serve in any way I can.
Much Love to You!
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