Pure 100% Love & Light

Molly Jacobson — the words I would use for this amazing person are:  Love, Pure, Light, Giving, Positive, Energy, Amazing, and the “Real Deal”.

I have personally being working with Molly for over ten years.  She has been one of my greatest mentors, and assets on my spiritual journey.  Her insightful direction, her giving of her time, her connections to my Akashics and assignments have only helped me to grow, and aspire to be the person I am meant to be.

If you are a person searching to figure out the synchronicity of your life, the voids, the emptiness, looking for your life purpose, than Molly is your person.  With every reading, I usually get an assignment to work on something that she identifies will help me to get closer to my understanding.  I have had such amazing breakthroughs throughout the time I have spent with her, it is really hard to put all of it into words.  Be ready to do your work, be ready to hear what you maybe knew and even what you haven’t, but know it is coming from a place of love.

She has become a friend, a confidant and never ever anything but Pure 100% Love & Light.  I love you Molly and “Thank You” for being who you are and the role you continue to play in my life.